1-on-1 In-Person Performance Training

In a private setting, each client will receive a comprehensive, detailed training experience beginning with a consultation and assessment. Based on the data gathered from their goals, exercise history, health history, current habits, movement proficiency, and anatomical structure amongst others, clients will receive their individualized game plan to achieve their goals. The game plan dives into exercise structure and daily habits (nutrition, sleep, stress, etc.), and recovery plan with videos to guide the clients through each exercise or stretch.

Each session will include a heavy focus on movement proficiency, mobility, strength, power and stability to minimize the risk of injury and enhancing human performance. We also want to educate clients on the "why's" of each movement and technique so that the knowledge can transfer to other aspects of life and activities outside of the gym. All with the encouragement to strive to get a little better each session and stack the small wins!


  • Sports Performance
  • Human Performance and Wellness
  • Injury Risk Reduction
  • Mobility/Stability/Balance
  • Conditioning
  • Weight Loss/Gain

Orthopedic Assessment

In order to provide to most accurate and detailed experience as possible, we must assess and not guess. This orthopedic assessment, created by the team at DBC Fitness in Miami, FL, has been used to help restore and enhance the athletic careers of Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, Von Miller, and many others. The assessment consists of 50+ measurements of the musculoskeletal system to determine joint mobility, muscle lengths/tensions, and strength. Each client will receive a corrective stretch and exercise program based on the collected data in order to restore and improve postural alignment and overall human function. Truly an individualized experience!

Online Coaching

Are you unable to train in-person but need guidance and accountability? Or do you enjoy training independently but could benefit from detailed guidance? Online coaching may be the best solution for you! Our online coaching program is designed to help individuals get a personalized fitness experience at their own convenience.

The program begins with a virtual consultation and movement screen to gather data. From there, you will receive an individualized exercise and stretch program tailored to your goals, schedule, and interests, access to an exercise video database for exercise instructions, session reviews and form checks, and access to Sammy's personal phone number to answer any questions or concerns along the way.

To ensure and enhance the quality of service provided, the number of spots for the program will be limited for the time being. Inquire today to learn more and begin your journey of LIMITLESS THRIVING

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