About Us

Sammy Tyson MS, CSCS

Sammy has been a performance coach since 2016 where he has been fortunate to have worked with a diverse background of clients ranging from athletes of all ages and sports, working professionals, former military veterans, geriatric community, those dealing with chronic pain, and beginners to exercise. No matter the background of the client, Sammy strives to help each person live healthy, active, and LIMITLESS lives by becoming the best functional version of themselves as possible through movement and creating great habits. His mission is to give his clients the tools needed to THRIVE in all of the activities they enjoy doing at a high level of performance without having to worry about limits such as pain, lack of confidence, or energy.


Sammy is dedicated to helping his clients become the best version of themselves as possible by focusing on optimizing movement patterns and building healthy, sustainable habits that carry over to all aspects of life. His detailed approach to each client's success includes not only identifying any potentially limiting factors of performance, but identifying the source of them by analyzing the proficiency and strength of movement patterns, diving into health/injury history, and taking a look at their daily wellness habits (stress, activity, nutrition, sleep, etc.) and then creating a plan based on the gathered data.

Sammy provides a personal and enjoyable experience by truly partnering with each client to ensure that the plan is sustainable and realistic, keeping constant communication on their desires and feelings, and providing encouragement along the way to stay consistent as the results come along. The ultimate goal is help others see that life isn't just about surviving, but THRIVING in the LIMITLESS opportunities and activities that are in front of us everyday to the best of our abilities!

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